Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Go, go, go! Paul!

刚看完Prison Break EP213。


这集的结局真是180度大转弯啊!前一集the company要干掉Paul的时候,我还为他担心得要命呢!我以为他活不久了——好像the company要干掉某人,那么那个人肯定就活不长了(当然我们的男主角Michael除外 :b)。不过还好,Paul在这集的表现太棒了,没有让我失望——他和Michael是我在这个剧里最喜欢的两个角色,要是他死了,我就只有Michael可以看了。还有,Mahone牺牲了有点可惜——就是从这集开始的时候我才刚刚对他有点好感了,没想到死得这么快:(

为有魅力的Paul的精彩表现,特地发帖庆祝一下 :D

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还截个图纪念一下Mahone,截自Prison Break EP213——有时候你能在Mahone蓝色的眼睛里看到一种动人的情素。

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Lincoln: If you want me, you got me. Let my brother go!
Mahone: I don't want either of you. I just want my life back!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Review: Just Like the Fambly Cat

It is hard to describe how it was like listening to Grandaddy's last album. Kind of sad, while well aware that sadness will not help. Anyway, drop the mood and let us see how it was like.

Just Like the Fambly Cat is just like Grandaddy, one cannot see this last album as one of those last albums that have a sum-up effect over the artists, though. Compared with earlier peaks like Sumday and The software Slump, Just Like the Fambly Cat is simply "plane" Grandaddy. During the nearly one-hour time, one could even be reminded of Under the Western Freeway for some quite similar tunes. Well, sometimes it is difficult to drop the mood, isn't it; Summer...It's Gone is quite emotional, and so sad that it almost brought me to tears. One could also find some songs with that kind of "bright color" of Grandaddy's and when you are listening, it is like sunshine were on you. The album ends with Jason singing I'll never return. (Shangri-La (Outro))

Grandaddy, thank you for your talent, and whatever, you will always be one of my favorites!

About Mood Sets


Tuesday, November 21, 2006

As You Wish, GFW.

很吃惊今天blogspot和blogger又可以正常访问了, 不知道是怎么回事。如此反复,是GFW还是Blogger-beta(jennifersadventure.blogspot.com使用的是Blogger-beta)在测试期完工后换了地址,我想在反复了这么多次后,不会有人猜得到了。反正已经对国内的言论封锁彻底失去了信心,要封就封吧,我不会难过;要解就解吧,我也不会乐观。


Sunday, November 19, 2006

Grandaddy Forever

It feels so unreal that Grandaddy actually quit. It is not that sometimes facts do not feel kind of unreal, it is that they feel simply unreal, and then you think to yourself like, how did this happen? And it is even sadder to know that Grandaddy quit because they didn't see the hope of achieving the "greatness" that they had been going after all these years. I don't know how they defined the word "greatness"; I think they meant "success" actually. Because I believe everyone that has listened to Grandaddy knows they are great and they are one of the greatest. I don't know, either, what I would do if I were they and my band were not making money. Whatsoever, all these are just guesses, and all I could do now is wish them good luck after they separated ways after the greatness, I would stick with the word though, as Grandaddy.

Friday, November 10, 2006

The Problem with Blogger-beta Block in China and How to Fix It

Although one could access this site via Pkblogs.com in Blogger-blocked countries like China, Pkblogs.com is not perfect. To access this site right via jennifersadventure.blogspot.com, and therefore get rid of all the block caused problems, follow the following three-step solution. It's simple, and once for all.

Step1: Open hosts(path: C:\Winnt\System32\drivers\etc\hosts) in a notebook program.

Step2: Add the following code to hosts: beta.blogger.com jennifersadventure.blogspot.com

Step3: Save hosts.

Note: This modification helps you access this site right via jennifersadventure.blogspot.com, and will NOT affect in any unwanted ways your using your computer.


要真正解决这个网站的所有问题,能够正确访问该网站的解决方法是,用记事本打开Hosts文件(C:\Winnt\System32\drivers\etc\hosts),在里面添加下面代码: beta.blogger.com jennifersadventure.blogspot.com




Sunday, November 05, 2006

Blogger-beta Blocked


